UPDATED INFO w/pics -=[The Kingdom of Hammerfall]=-

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UPDATED INFO w/pics -=[The Kingdom of Hammerfall]=-

by JamesBondage77 » Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:19 am

Original post deleted, this is the replacement. Updated/Edited as of 3/20/12


Ok, so I have had time now to plan out in my head how I foresee the Kingdom of Hammerfall and after a few tests and feelers to see what people may be interested in, I give you the following information and future plans I have for Kreatious' newest city - Hammerfall.

If you see all this text and think "TL;DR", skip to the bottom for the short version. This is for the people who have a genuine interest in learning about what I have planned for the city, so they can consider joining our community, or not, in better detail.

I will try not to wander around too much, I have a lot to share with you dear reader, as far as what all I forsee growing in Hammerfall. But before I get going here I would say, there is no way in hell I can do it myself, at least not in survival world. This is why I made Hammerfall Citadel and the surrounding area first, so you can see I am as committed to the city as I hope you will eventually be as well.

One note on building - I don't want modern structures, but beyond that I am pretty flexible. If you want to make a castle, dungeon, etc, its all good. I wont micro manage how you do it - All I ask is that you do a good job and make something you can be proud of. A dirt house, in the shape of a square, that you call a mansion, will make me sad... =(

I highly suggest downloading reis minimap mod. It shows a constant minimap of the area in the corner of screen, for easy navigation. It also lets you make waypoints, so you can find specific things easier, (especially useful for underground finds to make your way back to, or in nether to find your way back to portal) and it also has death markers, which let you find, exactly, the last place you died. In the following picture of the main entrance to hammerfall citadel, pardon my death markers =P


The waypoint will be smack in the middle of the trade district, this is intentional. I want people from out of town to be able to visit and find whatever they need easily, instead of say..running back and forth along certain series of colored roads that are long as hell just to find over half the shops on it are locked/abandoned/destroyed.

Surrounding the trade district will be the homes of the founding citizens, these lots will be FREE. There is no specific number, but Im thinking around the first 10 or so to come help us grow will get prime real estate. This area will be considered the western province of the Kingdom of Hammerfall. An area, yet to be developed, will be build east of western province (In anticipation of east map expansion) that will be the heart of the kingdom, where most of the regular housing, chapels, bars, arenas, community farms, etc will be held.

Unlike some people who try to start a community, I have no interest in charging you just to build. All i ask, however, is that you do build if you ask to join. We need active builders if were going to be the largest city on Kreatious, and that is my goal. That said, even though we are free, I will not be accepting just everyone for the hell of it. I much prefer quality over quantity. I would rather have 10 people who are on regularly and build well, than have 40 people who log on one day a month and make a dirt square to call home.

The following are some of the basic rules I have given a lot of thought about. I didn't want to list 5000 rules, but I did want to make a few things clear, especially that - I want us to have a solid reputation. I will be the hardass, so you don't have to be, and deal with the morons in our kingdom as I am able, or ask for help from "above". But we WILL separate ourselves from other cities, because we WILL have a trustworthy reputation, and we will be known to NOT harbor morons, griefers, drama queens, and other nasty little things. Why is that a good thing? Because it will attract people who prefer that kind of community to build in, and that is the target person we want with us.


1. NO DRAMA - I think most of us have enough of that B.S. in real life, we don't need it here as well. There is really little warning for this, pending it's severity. If your a drama whore, do not expect to live with us very long. We don't want/need your drama, and we don't want the negative reputation that gives us at Hammerfall, as a whole.

2. NO GRIEFING - I know there are anti-griefing measures in place, blah, blah. But we both darn well know there are ways around stuff, to grief without setting off triggers, etc. Don't do it. There is no room for excuses here. IF YOU ARE FOUND - AND PROVEN - TO BE INTENTIONALLY GRIEFING ANYONE ELSE FROM OUR COMMUNITY IN HAMMERFALL YOU WILL BE BANISHED FROM IT'S BORDERS THE FIRST TIME IT HAPPENS. (regardless if all you got was a slap on the wrist from staff) Was that clear enough? That said, I do know accidental griefing occurs, in which case if it can be fixed, and both sides agree it was an accident, that would not warrant being kicked from the kingdom.

3. REFILL COMMUNITY FARMS - These are provided so EVERYONE in our kingdom can use and/or profit from them. If your digging up melons, replant that with the seeds you just got, so others can enjoy it as well. If people start damaging crops and not giving back to the community, the area will be monitored and the person(s) responsible will be banished.

- If you walk around Hammerfall you will see the basic theme is that of a rpg game, castles, pubs, etc. This is the setting I want, do NOT build modern structures, like sky scrapers..You can build a large house, castle, etc, but nothing blatantly MODERN. This is one of the very few guidelines I have for building. (for now.) If you have a question about something you want to build, just ask! Chances are I wont care as long as it isn't blatantly modern, I want you to have the freedom to build what you want.

5. MINE IN /MINE - This is very important! You can dig under your house, but don't go strip mining in all directions under other peoples houses, etc. There is no excuse for this, just type /mine and dig THERE for your cobble, ores, etc.

Now on to some of my own thoughts and ideas about the city, and where I see it going. I see the Kingdom of Hammerfall as being the nexus of trade. If we can get the active citizens, and get those shops filled around the waypoint, over time people will come to us to find good deals on items, instead of running up and down the colored roads like chickens with their head cut off trying to find what they are looking for. I don't have many rules, most are common sense really, or rehashing rules already in place for the server. There will be an updated map in the future that people can use as a reference for the trade district. I am allowing citizens to have multiple shops, so that they can sell specific types of wares, in specific sections of the trade district. This will make it easier for citizens, and visitors alike to find what they are looking for, as opposed to searching through chest after chest to find that one thing. I am thinking four specific sections, ores/rocks/ingots, food/potions/ingredients/, weapons/armor, and the misc leftovers seeds/wool/lillypads, etc. Maybe even just open, but specific themed, trade pavilions, where chests from different people are together.

There is a community nether portal, located within Hammerfall citadel. There will also always be a portal in /mine located where the citadel would be there in /mine for access to nether regen world. I don't have a ender portal yet though. If /mine world was just regenerated, give me a full 24 hours to make a new portal there to regen nether.

There will be a community enchantment area. I will have eventually a few different ones, so you can choose what enchantment power you prefer. I only have one enchantment table at the moment. (unless I can hire someone skilled in redstone operations, to make an adjustable enchantment area w/lever.

We will be using one of the excess chat channels provided by zerg as a means of communication around the city specifically. (I will need to ask which one will be ok to use, but I think he has several chat channels that aren't being utilized, at the moment.)

There will be an option to involve yourself into roleplay, if you want. This is by NO means required of anyone, just an additional thing for those who may interested in such a thing. (like myself) I am leaving the details vague on that as of now, till I find some others interested and we can work out how to go about it together. This is one of my side-goals for the city, make a rp community for those who are interested in such, but also make it accessible to those who are not into it. I will try to get us a rp specific chat channel, if there is enough interest.

The following are some things I can use help with as of now, if anyone is interested. It is NOT required to do any of this to join us, but if you want to help us, read on.

I am in need of builders mostly, people to finish roads, mine for basic supplies, cobble, stone brick, coal, wood. Need some original structures build to add some flair, IE; I have one person who enjoys making windmills, who is making one at the moment. I need someone who is skilled in redstone to make a functioning rise and lower gate to entrance of citadel. Most chores will require you to go to /mine and get your own supplies, what I have I use already to build around the kingdom, and I simply can't provide supplies for everyone who will be helping. The exception is someone who is dedicated redstone operator, I can provide you with redstone and pistons for projects around town. I need a dedicated farmer, to build and maintain community farms. These farms will be very large, not little projects. You can see my makeshift sugarcane farm for an example. I need a sky rail from the colored roads to hammerfall, at some point. We are far away from others, so we will (hopefully) get griefed less. But we do want to connect to the main roads, north and west of us, at some point. I can help with some iron and redstone, but you will have to do most of the mining for this project yourself. (skyrail is to be over 128 blocks high, so mobs dont spawn on it..i think that is the right height. Maybe go 200 just to be safe. Open to ideas if you have done this type of thing before - I haven't.) I also need decorative buildings around the area, either just for decoration, making the place look filled up and nice, or for specific purposes. I need two arenas build for pvp and spleef, for those who enjoy that sort of thing. The design for each is open to whoever wants the project, but I do have a general idea for what I want the pvp arena to look like. (Not a cliche roman arena.) It will be called "The Pit", and stretch from the ground level to bedrock, with multiple levels for epic, large scale tournaments. I also need someone to make a maze, for adventurers and contests. I might do this myself though, I enjoy making mazes, but I have too much to do else at the moment. I also need people to make some cathedrals, temple of ender, zerg, etc. just for fun.

The main thing we need, as of TODAY however - is people to build us a protective wall around the entire kingdom. This will be done out of cobble mined from /mine. Construction workers will need to provide their own tools and manpower for this large project. This will keep out random griefers who stumble upon our borders. It Will extend over 5 blocks high, (higher if your feeling energetic) around the entire border. I know, they can build over it, but I don't think building to the new ceiling is very realistic and I think most will see a long border as a clear indicator of a territory line, and wont cross it on purpose. We also need to work on roads, I have been using gravel since I haven't had any other use for it yet. I tried using stoves to mix in it, and it looks nice, but too much work to make stoves for the design in it. Just going with 3 wide gravel for now. "/tell jamesbondage77 The Code is Yellow" - to expedite being a member of Hammerfall, this is for you, the person who actually read through all this crap. =P Continuing.. I will place glowstone throughout the roads as I am able. For now, torches are scattered all across the area, and more will be made as people come, till we get lighting better situated. (which is a third thing we need badly, proper lighting at night, so people can still continue to walk around/build, safely.) Need glowstone badly.

Things I am personally working on at the time of this post.

Hammerfall Citadel - I am making this large structure reach upwards to new sky limit, I want it to be a massive landmark. Finishing up (by tonight hopefully) the area for the waypoint. I have the waypoint built, just making it fancy around it. (it is not activated though, I will ask for that in a day or so.) Mining for supplies, just got a double chest full of wood, nether brick, cobble for some specific projects. Also working on roads. (/mine around the citadel is a huge forest, ripe with trees. Taking advantage of that before next regen.)

Top items in demand in Hammerfall at the moment:

Stone Bricks
Iron Tools


Following this post you will be able to use the following template to apply for citizenship. I know it is a brief hassle to make a quick post with your intent to join, but consider this the trade off, for free land. (I don't want to make money off our citizens, just those outside, our competition) This also separates out the morons who are too lazy to make a simple post, as well as bumps the post to the top of forum thread for shameless advertising.

1. In Game Name:
2. Where do you live now, will they have an issue with you having land in our city as well?
3. What is your in-game play time? (type /stats in game to see)
4. What role would you like to have in the Kingdom of Hammerfall?
5. Why would you like to be a citizen of Hammerfall?
6. Would you be interested in being part of the rp community? If so, what is your characters history and bio? (not required, just for those who want to rp now and then - can leave blank if you want.)
7. Have you ever been banned by staff for intentionally griefing or cheating?

To those who skipped to the bottom to find the TL;DR short version, too bad. There isn't one, read the entire post to find out about us or are you seriously that lazy? If so, we probably aren't the community for you.

I will briefly summarize one thing though, my intentions with hammerfall:

I want to provide free land and free building choices to those who choose to call Hammerfall their home. I have a vision that eventually, we will be the largest city in kreatious. People will come to US to find something they need in our marketplace. we will be known as a trade city, with the most reasonable prices, constant updated shops, the most respectable and honest citizens, and we will - together - reign over all.
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Re: UPDATED INFO w/pics -=[The Kingdom of Hammerfall]=-

by JamesBondage77 » Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:02 am

bumped to show updated info.
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Re: UPDATED INFO w/pics -=[The Kingdom of Hammerfall]=-

by TkdWebster12 » Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:09 pm

im TkdWebster12
I live on red path ive been griefed way to much thats why im moving
Ive played over 64 hours in kreatious
I would like to be a miner
I would like to be a citizen of hammerfall because ive been griefed way to much so i move out from spawn :P
I would like to role play 3/4 of the time
I have been banded before because on creative becuase my sister snuck on my laptop and spammed and stuff

I hope I get in-
TkdWebster12, or Matthew Webster
"that's not a waffle"

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Re: UPDATED INFO w/pics -=[The Kingdom of Hammerfall]=-

by JamesBondage77 » Sun Mar 25, 2012 11:53 pm

tkdwebster accepted, welcome to our community
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Re: UPDATED INFO w/pics -=[The Kingdom of Hammerfall]=-

by D3ATHcanKILL » Tue Sep 17, 2013 11:24 pm

Name - D3ATHcanKILL

Current Residence - A small village ran by angomango, and he shouldnt e too bothered.

Server Time - 100+ hours cant check right now due to internet outage, should be up tommorow though :).

Role? - Redstone Technichion w/ Part time hunter of animals and mobs (mobs dur to rp bio)

Why Join Us? - For RP, Town theme and you seem cool.

RP? - Hell yeah :o!!


Hair - dark brown
Eyes - green and brown
Skin - tanned
Weapon - mainly bow
Fears - endermen and small spaces
Attitude - cautious, wary
Class - hunter / assassin
Born - redroun

History (brief):
Born in redroun as a normal child. Trained in redstone till 17 then one day while he was hunting with his father a creeper blew his father apart and he was chased out the forest by skeleton, spider, zombie alike and grew hatred and began to hunt them. Paranoid of creepers, shoots any he sees, never attacks with a sword.

Banned? - once for cutting down a tree on my brothers land wich he said i could IRL but denied ingame to annoy me, 30 hour ban, for 'bonding time' :( But note i dont do unless im allowed to do for anything. Basically i wont grief or break rules.

Please consider this app and either reply through /mail or just reply here. Thank you.
~ Sliip
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Re: UPDATED INFO w/pics -=[The Kingdom of Hammerfall]=-

by pyrusbrawler30 » Tue Sep 17, 2013 11:54 pm

again, project no longer underway. keep the posts' dates in mind.
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Re: UPDATED INFO w/pics -=[The Kingdom of Hammerfall]=-

by D3ATHcanKILL » Wed Sep 18, 2013 1:31 am

Aww well :( sounded great though, nvm ahah
~ Sliip
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Re: UPDATED INFO w/pics -=[The Kingdom of Hammerfall]=-

by stormbringer1 » Sat Nov 02, 2013 4:31 pm

1. In Game Name: stormbringer1
2. Where do you live now, will they have an issue with you having land in our city as well? Wilderness!
3. What is your in-game play time? (type /stats in game to see) About 33 hours I think?
4. What role would you like to have in the Kingdom of Hammerfall? Captain of the Guards!
5. Why would you like to be a citizen of Hammerfall? It sounds awesome. Dat be why
6. Would you be interested in being part of the rp community? If so, what is your characters history and bio? (not required, just for those who want to rp now and then - can leave blank if you want.) A son of a distant nobleman, from a far away land.
7. Have you ever been banned by staff for intentionally griefing or cheating? A few times yes, about 2 years ago. Soz :(

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Re: UPDATED INFO w/pics -=[The Kingdom of Hammerfall]=-

by pyrusbrawler30 » Sat Nov 02, 2013 5:18 pm

stop posting on death threads! please read the dates before you post storm!
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