Join the [Flare] clan now

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Join the [Flare] clan now

by xXceedz » Sat Feb 01, 2014 6:55 pm

This is a clan that I always wanna make so please support me!! You can join me by putting the requirements
Banned by who and why?!:Eg:by Wall-E and for swearing
Your rank?:eg:Rsd
Wanna the [Flare] tag??:Eg:Okay

There are ranks too!!(Low to big)
Star: Meh the lowest one in the clan but will upgrade further!
Comet: Your at least fast so you can strike!
Meteor: Fast and strong but not the srongest!
Flare:This is the rank where the owner and the great dudes are you gotta be in this clan for a long time :D ! OR you can win a PVP with the owner and win!

Message:This is a noob mail cuz I do not know ediding well LOL
Joined: Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:21 pm

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