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Sudden [serverside] lagspikes

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 2:53 pm
by Kassu233
Usually when im on the server my connection is 5/5 bars but sometimes, the bars may drop to 1/5 for no apparent reason. When i look at my server list and the ping times, Kreatious is the only server to have a slow response, whilst all the other servers ping like usual. I literally have no clue what is causing this. Also a thing to point out is the fact that literally all the other players have typical connection rates (most being 5/5) so it cant be a thing on zergs side of things. As stated before, it cant be from my side of things either, because i can log onto any other server just fine.

Re: Sudden [serverside] lagspikes

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 8:28 am
by comedian14
Connect better