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Babies Clan!

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 12:10 am
by SonicFF7
Hello, as you all know, I am quite obsessed with Babies! I have decided to make a clan about them! I must give credit to Malandrix_Bunny, as he helped me come up with the idea.
Now, the Babies will have certain ranks in which they perform tasks, I'll list them now.

This rank is the highest, and are the leaders of the clan. They keep order, and make sure nothing wrong happens. They also change the diapers!


These are the co-leaders, they help the Full-Diapers, keep notice of the situations, and make sure all the lower ranks are acting properly.


These are like the Veterans of the clan, the ones that can still keep people in order, but can't actually do anything too serious about it.


One of the lowest ranks, they need guidance from the higher ranks, and don't know what they can get themselves into.


They have just entered the world, and don't know what's ahead of them, they must rely on everything in front of them to survive.

[Full Diaper][High Diaper][Low Diaper][Toddler][Newborn]
Anybody can apply, so here's the application:
Have you been banned?
Do you like Babies? Have you eaten any Babies?
Why would you like to join the clan?
Which rank would you like to be?
Would you like to have the tag?

P.S. Tell me what you think of the way I put the Members, do you like it, no? Be honest.
Also, Arjan has his own Special Rank. Grandpa Diapers. =)
And I'm going to be asking Zerg for the clan tag whenever's he's on, so we'll see what he says!

Also, Baby has an HQ/Base being made. If you wanna know where it is, PM me in-game.

Re: Babies Clan!

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 12:10 am
by malandrix_bunny
Anybody can apply, so here's the application:
Have you been banned? once
Do you like Babies? Have you eaten any Babies? Both
Why would you like to join the clan? Babies are awesome, and i powdered together the clan signature! :>
Which rank would you like to be? I would wish to be full, because i'd like to be very participant in this clan, and kinda thought of putting the clan post up.
Would you like to have the tag? MHm

Herp derp, Image
Get rid of the s's

Re: Babies Clan!

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 12:11 am
by NoMa187
Clan For Me
Edit: Second Like A bows
IGN: NoMa187
Have you been banned? No
Do you like Babies? Have you eaten any Babies? I Luv Babies, No, I can't do that
Why would you like to join the clan? Cause Babies are really, really cute
Which rank would you like to be: High Diaper/Full Diaper, because i can keep order very well, and I am a very capable leader who will be on much and i was (in TS) with founders thinking and who were setting up the clan

Re: Babies Clan!

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 12:11 am
by zuko135
IGN: zuko135
Have you been banned? yes :(
Do you like Babies? Have you eaten any Babies? Yes, Yes
Why would you like to join the clan? Babies look cute
Which rank would you like to be? Low-Diaper, I can handle many babies

Re: Babies Clan!

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 12:16 am
by the_bomb
IGN: the_bomb
Have you been banned? nope
Do you like Babies? Have you eaten any Babies? I do like babies, but i cant say i have ever ate them.
Why would you like to join the clan? I want to be a baby again.
Witch rank would you like to be? I would like to be the high diaper.
Would you like to have the tag? Yes

Re: Babies Clan!

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 12:16 am
by Damek928
IGN: Damek928
Have you been banned: NO
Do you like babies? Have you eaten babies? Well yeah you tell me to eat them all the time :P
Why would you like to join the clan? Because I want to
Which rank would you like to be? High Diaper
Would you like to have the tag? Yes

Re: Babies Clan!

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 12:20 am
by jack_addy
IGN: superpandaman123456789
Have you been banned? *sniffle* yes
Do you like Babies? Have you eaten any Babies? Tons of babehs. I hug them at night
Why would you like to join the clan?..... BABIES!
What rank would you like to be? FULL DIAPER, jks, probably... either high diaper or low diaper.

Re: Babies Clan!

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 12:26 am
by SonicFF7
Bunny - Approved for Full-Diaper, you brought this idea to life. You're now a Baby!
NoMa - Approved for High Diaper. You're a leader and on most of the time. You're now a Baby!
Zuko - Approved for Low Diaper. You're now a Baby!
The_Bomb - Not approved for High Diaper. You're a Low Diaper. You're now a Baby!
Damek928 - Approved for High Diaper. You're now a Baby!
Jack_Addy - Approved for Low Diaper. You're a Baby!

Re: Babies Clan!

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:06 am
by Arjan_M
Anybody can apply, so here's the application:
Have you been banned? Once for being a fish.
Do you like Babies? Have you eaten any Babies? No
Why would you like to join the clan? No
Which rank would you like to be? Grandma diapers
Would you like to have the tag? No

Re: Babies Clan!

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:20 am
by SonicFF7
Both of you guys are accepted, and both Low Diapers! :D